Clitocybe ........... Coriolus versicolour

The three fungi shown were photographed on 12th Jan 1997 after the snow covering had melted following a 10 day period of below freezing temperatures. All are shown life size. The fungus in the top two pictures was growing on a sawn off conifer and seemed undamaged by the recent severe weather. I suspect it to be a pleurotus. The second two are of a clitocybe which was one of a small group growing among pine needles next to dead bracken at the side of a forest path. Outwardly similar to c.rivulosa they were obviously very frost tolerant. The last picture is the only one I have reasonably positively identified. Location of all three was Primrose Wood, Delamere Forest, Kelsall, Cheshire UK Also seen on this walk were Xylaria hypoxylon (the Candle Snuff fungus) and several poor unidentifiable bracket fungi. other January fungi