Peziza vesiculosa

Date observed:- 27th October 1997 Habitat:- Oil seed rape field Location:- Alvanley, Cheshire, UK Scale:- Approx Life size Spores:- White Description:- I was contacted by an agriculture advisor to identify this fungus. This was a 14 acre (5.6 hectare)field with an astonishing crop* of about 50 specimens to the square metre. The literature describes this fungus as preferring rotting straw, rich soil and manure especially horse manure. The field had applications of horse manure applied to it in the autumn of 1995 and also in the autumn of 1996. It also had 200 tonnes per hectare of de-inked paper waste ploughed into it in early August and was then sown with winter oil seed rape in Mid August. It was treated with a fungicide in early October. *The advisor used the word infestation!!!